What the hoop is this site about?

I go through hobbies like my phone goes through battery. Some activity will catch my eye and I’ll completely dive into it, only to abandon it a few months, sometimes weeks, later. This is how it went for photography, puzzling, sudoku, and coloring. But last January I saw an Instagram post of a modern embroidery pattern.

The water splashed around me as I dove into my next pastime.

When it comes to crafting, I’m a natural. My mother had a sewing room in our home since before I knew what thread was. I spent tons of time watching and learning hands on throughout my childhood. I sewed by hand and with a machine. I knitted with knitting needles and made friendship bracelets with embroidery floss. I painted, drew, and stamped. I used paper and wood. I’ve made ceramic pots and bowls, tile work, pillows and blankets, pants, doll clothes, and jewelry. I’ve dabbled in everything. So when I saw that post on social media, I went to my mom’s craft room, got the materials I needed and began to embroider.

I haven’t stop since. I have an Etsy account where I sell my embroidery hoops and patches. I’m actually making some money which is pretty cool. Lately I’ve been looking at other types of needle crafts I can do and add to my shop.

This site will not only be a class assignment but also an exploration into the needle craft world. What will I find out? You’ll have to check back and see.

Here is some of my current work!

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